Monday, December 3, 2012

Nov 26 - Dec 2, 2012

Well!  I guess there's no way for me to get out of it.  My blogger account had told me last week that my storage of pictures on Picasa was used up & I could buy more storage at $2.50 US/month (or more - depending on what storage package you wanted to purchase).  So I thought I would try and transfer my pictures to some other site and then link it in.  I tried Photobucket but didn't like how my pictures would load.  Then I tried Flickr and thought, 'Yay!  This one will work!'  until I opened my gmail this morn and it told me that I have a limit of 200 free pictures and if I wanted to load more, I had to either delete or buy a larger storage package.  (I spent a ay trying all this out, now I feel like I wasted a day!)

Sigh.  Back to square one.  Now the question is, do I really need to blog?  No.  I don't earn a living by it - just personal satisfaction and a weekly diary of memories that I hope to scrapbook (Project Life) some day.  And is it worth blogging without the pictures?  I could do it but it isn't as much fun or tell the story.

So!!  I guess I will bite the bullet and buy the 25 GB of storage at a buck 50 US a month and hope that it is enough to last me .......  forever....... or until I tire of blogging.

So that brings me to report the other memories of the past week.

On Tuesday, I got a call from my Uncle.  My Aunt fell & broke her hip.  She's had surgery which consisted of a partial hip replacement but due to her cerebral palsy, she is quite unstable and they think her recovery will be much longer than the full hip replacement she had 4 years ago.  She will be in the hospital till at least next week.

They were supposed to come down to visit and go see Tamara and the Youth Singers Christmas Show.

My in-laws were coming out this way for business and were coming for a visit and to see Tamara's show too.  This would be the first time they got to see Tamara's performance live.  They were going to stay at a hotel and because of the situation, were able to stay with us instead.

Saturday was an all day dress rehearsal for Tamara and Sunday was a dress rehearsal plus show.  I volunteered for wardrobe support and so was at the Jubilee all day too.  Here's some snaps:

Great show!  Tamara found it a bit tough the last set as she realized that this is probably her last Christmas show with the Youth Singers and a few tears were shed after the show.

Great memories!  =) Lisa

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